Saturday, March 14, 2009

Friday and Saturday - Librarian-polooza

Hi all --

Sorry I have not kept this up very well the past two days. I have been doing the work portion of my trip which involved me hobnobbing with librarians from across the country and learning more about why we do what we do. Last night, we had Sherman Alexie (prolific poet, novelist, and screenplay writer - he wrote a wonderful film called Smoke Signals) give a keynote address. He was very entertaining! I bought his classic YA book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian for Miles and got it signed by Alexie (like the book geek that I am).

Besides hobnobbing, every session I attended was really good (and I mean that - I didn't fall asleep once :-). I learned about ways to ask our students and patrons what they want our library to be, how to do focus groups, new technologies that will make my stats keeping MUCH easier (at least I hope :-), and how to improv at the library (that was a really fun session). It's nice to have the opportunity to attend these conferences and learn new things. There is something to be said about removing yourself from your day to day surroundings and looking at what you do with fresh eyes.

Besides attending the conference, we managed to do a few touristy things. We did go up the Space Needle on a sunny day. Miles really liked that. We also spent time down at the Public Market. Saturday (today) has been the only rainy day we have had this trip. My overall impression of Seattle and Tacoma are that they are lovely cities with clean air (even though they don't think so), green everything (from all the rain), and of course, how can you not love a place surrounded by mountains AND large bodies of water?

So, tomorrow morning we are heading back to Atlanta. I hear it is rainy there, too. I also hear that jetlag is worse coming back...

Friday, March 13, 2009

Thurs, Mar. 12 - To Seattle

Today, Larry took us to Bremerton (home town of one of my favorite bands, Death Cab for Cutie!) to catch the ferry to Seattle. On the ferry, we could see Mt. Rainer (even closer) and the Olympic Mountains.

We got to Seattle, checked into the Sheraton, and went to pick up the registration materials for the conference. The hotel is in the heart of downtown Seattle. There is a massive shopping area and the Seattle Art Musuem right down the street. Miles is feeling a lot better (just has a cold at this point).

Mary Murray and I attended the orientation to the conference at 2pm, then I met up with my friend from high school, April. I haven't seen her since around 2003. She lives in Portland and drove 3 hours to see us. We had dinner at this yummy vegetarian Chinese place and then walked all over the city trying to find the REI flagship store so Dan could buy a long sleeve shirt (he only brought short sleeve here, but don't worry, he did have a coat). We saw the Space Needle from down the street, and Miles is really excited to go up the Space Needle sometime while we are here.
Friday is going to be a busy day of conference attending for me. Stay tuned for exciting librarian updates :-)!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Funny moments on the plane with Miles...

Miles loved the planes, which was a big relief for me and Dan. He sat by the window on the way to Phoenix. 

The only problem we encountered occurred after the first two visits to the plane potties. The first time we flushed, Miles did not know that it would be loud, so it was a surprise. The second time he went, I forgot to tell Dan that I promised Miles I would not flush while he was in the actual bathroom. So, Dan flushed while he was still in there. The third time he had to go, he told us he was going to wait until we got to Seattle. Which was over an hour away. After much squirming, and threats that he would not be our best friend anymore if we made him go to the bathroom, he finally decided that he had to really go but I had to PROMISE not to flush while he was in the bathroom. He finally went and was out the door before I could turn around. The people on the plane got a good chuckle as he jogged down the aisle back to his seat announcing loudly that he went peepee as the sound of the toilet echoed loudly in the plane. 

Weds., Mar. 11 - Tacoma

It's lunchtime here. We took Miles to a Urgent Care place this morning because he still has a fever (when not on Motrin or Tylenol). He is fine other than just being under the weather. Once the medicine kicks in, you would not know he was sick except he sounds a little froggy.

Larry and I went for a walk along the Puget Sound this morning. It is absolutely beautiful today - not a cloud in the sky - so you can see Mt. Rainer on one side of the sound and the Olympic Mountain range on the other (complete with snow on the tops of the mountains). It is also VERY cold here. I am glad that I made the investment in the raincoat/hiking coats for us before the trip. They are coming in handy!

Miles is taking a nap now, when he wakes up, we are going to drive around Point Defiance and maybe drive to Mt. Rainer if he feels up to it.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

We made it!

Hi all --

We made it!

We had two great flights. We flew into Phoenix, AZ and then went from Phoenix to Seattle. We flew over the Grand Canyon. (Dan took some amazing pictures from the plane that I will post in facebook later). Miles did great despite having a fever off and on today.
We are safe and sound at my Aunt and Uncles. Will write more tomorrow when more awake :-)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Wheww! FINALLY packed!

It's funny how you think you have everything you possibly need for a trip, and then you find something else. like that sweater that you haven't worn in over a year..and decide you need a few more albums on your iPhone for the trip...and you need to clean the house from top to bottom (just kidding, I have long given up that impulse). But seriously, I thought we were just about done last night. Foolish, foolish me.

So, here we are, 9:30pm and Dan and I have just sat down since coming home from work. We are looking forward to the trip. Dan has never been to the West. The furthest west he has ever ventured was 'someplace in Louisiana, and no, he was not sure where. There is more to that story I am sure...

Check back tomorrow for the next episode in our Seattle saga!

Heisels in Seattle 2009

Welcome to our family odyssey to Tacoma and Seattle, Washington! Part vacation, part work (well, for me at least) this blog will chronicle the trials, tribulations, and elations of this traveling band that includes one supercute 3.5 year old, his librarian book-reading mom, and his IT bike-riding dad. We hope that you enjoy this (and we hope we enjoy this, too)!