Monday, March 9, 2009

Wheww! FINALLY packed!

It's funny how you think you have everything you possibly need for a trip, and then you find something else. like that sweater that you haven't worn in over a year..and decide you need a few more albums on your iPhone for the trip...and you need to clean the house from top to bottom (just kidding, I have long given up that impulse). But seriously, I thought we were just about done last night. Foolish, foolish me.

So, here we are, 9:30pm and Dan and I have just sat down since coming home from work. We are looking forward to the trip. Dan has never been to the West. The furthest west he has ever ventured was 'someplace in Louisiana, and no, he was not sure where. There is more to that story I am sure...

Check back tomorrow for the next episode in our Seattle saga!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kids, have a wonderful flight. I hope little dude feels okay. Ya'll have a great trip and remember that you're all in my prayers everyday. I look forward to reading about your trip. Tell Linda and Larry hello for me. Love to all of you.

    Mom and Grammie
